Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jane Sauter is a breath of fresh air

| May 14, 2024 1:00 AM

We are writing this letter to express our strong endorsement of Jane Sauter for State Representative 1A in Bonner County. 

We have had the pleasure of knowing Jane for several years now and can confidently say that there isn’t a finer person running for this position. Jane is a breath of fresh air in this political environment. She embodies the primary ambition we need in our public servants: She wants to serve the people, not herself. And if you’re so lucky as to meet Jane and talk with her, you will come away from that experience better for it. 

Although Jane isn’t a “seasoned” politician, she’s certainly a seasoned human being, and her compassion, desire and genuine understanding of what the constituents of her district need make her the absolute best candidate in this race. 

If you want a state representative who is in it for you rather than self-aggrandizement, who wants effective governance but not big government, who truly cares about the values and interests that make a community and state a great place to live, please vote for Jane Sauter for State Representative 1A in Bonner County.

You won’t regret it. 

