Saturday, June 01, 2024

Rasor is the only choice for State Representative 1B

| May 14, 2024 1:00 AM

The people of Bonner County need representation in Boise and Cornel Rasor is the best choice to represent us. He has earned his reputation as a man of integrity, a man who listens to others, and a man who believes officeholders should live up to their constitutional oaths.

Cornel is a true Republican and has been active in politics and served this community for years. He has served as a county commissioner, a precinct committee person, a member of the Board of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, LD1 chair, parliamentarian and many other positions. Cornel cares about Bonner County and its residents. He is working to serve the people even as he campaigns creating a list of bills that people are expressing interest in seeing implemented. 

Cornel has a vast knowledge of the workings of politics in Bonner County and his reputation for being even-tempered, gracious and caring has been built over his many years of political involvement. 

Cornel Rasor is the right choice for state representative and he has my vote.

