Saturday, June 01, 2024

Scott Herndon: Legislator for the people

| May 14, 2024 1:00 AM

I am writing to express my support for Scott Herndon for state senator. His dedication to representing the interests of the people is exceptional, and his track record of legislative accomplishments speaks volumes.

One of the many reasons why Scott Herndon deserves our vote is his unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility. His role in passing HB521, which effectively cut income taxes, demonstrates his understanding of the importance of relieving the tax burden on hardworking individuals and families. Additionally, his support for HB78, aimed at increasing homeowner exemptions and lowering property taxes, further underscores his dedication to promoting economic well-being within our communities.

Furthermore, Herndon's advocacy for parental rights cannot be overstated. Through his authorship and passage of SB1232, which mandates that the Department of Health and Welfare inform parents of their rights, he has shown a steadfast commitment to empowering families and protecting children.

Herndon's efforts extend well beyond these significant accomplishments. Whether through advocating for individual rights, defending our children, or championing improvements in public education and school choice, he has consistently proven himself as a principled leader who prioritizes the well-being of Idahoans.

Herndon’s opponent voted against protecting girls in sports, securing our border, responsible spending, shielding people from COVID mandates, and frequently aligns with Democrats. 

The choice is easy. I wholeheartedly endorse Scott Herndon for Senator. His proven record of legislative achievements and unwavering dedication to serving the people make him the ideal candidate to represent our interests in the State Senate. Go to to see for yourself. 


Priest River