Saturday, June 01, 2024

Base levy vote on facts, not opinions

| May 15, 2024 1:00 AM

It's less than a week before the big day, and it is a big day. It's also crucial for the West Bonner County School District. The levy must pass to cover the shortfall. 

Sadly, one radical trustee is spreading so much nonsense about the levy and why it's not needed. That is all her opinion and is based on what she feels is fact. It is not fact. It's her manufactured nonsense that she is trying to pass off as her fact. It's not, it's her opinion. 

She has a right to her opinion, but as a trustee, she should not be going against the majority of the board. The board approved the levy as a majority of the trustees thought it should be presented. They voted on it and it was passed 3-1 with one member abstaining. So now, instead of working with her fellow board members to promote the levy, she continues to push her agenda and attempts to shoot holes in it. My wife and I are two constituents who are appalled by this blatant behavior against public education. 

Decide what and who you want to vote for based on educated facts, not any person's opinion other than your own. The main thing is to get out and vote. Please make up your mind to vote.

If it's to be, it's up to me.


Priest River