Saturday, June 01, 2024

Strong schools are cornerstone of a vibrant communty

| May 15, 2024 1:00 AM

Dear voters,

As our community readies for the May 21 levy vote, I implore you to rally behind our schools. A robust education system serves as the cornerstone of a flourishing community, providing stability, nurturing economic development, and enhancing residents’ lives.

Our schools play a pivotal role in fostering community stability by bolstering local businesses. When schools are well-funded and teachers adequately compensated, they possess greater purchasing power to support our community's businesses. Valued and supported teachers are more inclined to invest in local enterprises, from grocery stores to restaurants to small shops, creating a positive ripple effect that benefits our entire community.

It's crucial to recognize that supporting our schools translates to supporting our community. Should our schools falter, the consequences extend well beyond the classroom. Families may opt to relocate elsewhere, and potential residents, especially those with children, may reconsider settling in our town. Ultimately, a decline in our education system could precipitate the downfall of our entire community.

Let’s unite as a community and cast our votes in favor of the school levy on May 21. By investing in our schools, we are investing in the future of our community. Together, let's ensure that our town remains vibrant and thriving where families are eager to reside, work, and raise their children.


Priest River