Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bonner County History - May 16, 2024

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

May 16, 1974 – K & K FINALE

The 29th annual K & K Week came to a happy, if soggy, close on Saturday with the awards ceremony at the Eagles. Winner of the weight-guessing derby was Gary Dillon, who guessed 1198 lbs. 4 oz., just 1/4 oz. off the actual weight of all fish registered. For his effort, he won a lot on Granite Creek, donated by Pack River Properties. The largest fish caught was a 27 lb. Kamloops netted opening day by Gordon Palm, Coeur d’Alene. A 26 lb. 14 oz. Kamloops taken by Bill Derr of Clark Fork, was the nearest competition. All in all, it was a great K & K Week. Although the weather could definitely have been better, large numbers of anglers still flocked to the lake. 



Spring brings with it love, but sometimes the romantic heart leads to trouble. That was the case when 16-year-old Mark Contor’s 90 lb. St. Bernard spotted a lovely lady dog as Mark was pulling into a store in St. Peters, Mo. last week. Apparently the dog tried to leap into the front seat of the family car when he spotted the female, causing Mark to lurch forward and step on the accelerator and smash the car into the store’s front window, causing great commotion among the patrons inside. No injuries were reported, and police chalked the incident up to an unavoidable accident. Mark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Contor, nephew of attorney Hardy Lyons, and grandson of Mrs. Jessie Lyons, all of Sandpoint. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

May 16, 1949 – PACK RIVER NEWS

Bob Winterton sheared sheep on Thursday afternoon and a few on Friday.

On Saturday, Pack River Grange will start a Juvenile Grange. All children who want to join are asked to be present.

Louis Ebert is seeding his grain this week.



Mrs. L.E. [Ruby] Bristow and son, Garry, of Elmira, who visited her sister, Mrs. G.E. [Dollie] Bristow, in LaGrande, Ore., returned home accompanied by her sister, who will be her guest for several weeks. 

Carol Jean Timblin celebrated her 10th birthday Saturday with a dinner and guests at her home and Sunday with a dinner and other guests at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. M.V. Nettleingham, receiving many nice gifts. 

Miss Shirley Decker and Miss Carol McNew were Spokane visitors Friday.

“Bo” [William E.] Johnson caught the limit of cutthroat trout Thursday afternoon.



Marvin Kohal, who enlisted in the U.S. Army, left Monday for basic training at Ft. Ord., Calif. 

Mrs. Otto Swanstrom, Mrs. Charles Hilligoss and Mrs. Percy Mills attended the district meeting of the Rural Neighbors in Sandpoint. 

Mrs. Marvin Sarff is spending a few weeks at Hot Springs in Montana. 

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