Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon protects residents' ability to parent children

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

A parent’s most important responsibility is to provide a safe learning environment for his or her children, one that reflects the values of their family and community. Senator Scott Herndon has acted to protect our ability to parent our children the way we see fit by giving parents more control over what their children are exposed to.

Herndon helped write HB-498 which requires online porn companies to age-verify their customers. He helped pass HB-710, which prevents taxpayer-funded schools and libraries from making sexually lewd materials available to minors. And he supported HB-71 which makes the chemical castration and sexual reassignment mutilation of children illegal in Idaho.

In 2021 Herndon’s opponent voted with Democrats to kill HB-249 which would have required parental permission for schools to teach children eroticism, sexual pleasure, and gender identity. His opponent didn’t want parents to have a say in what their children were being taught.

I think parents should decide when their children are ready to learn about sex and how they should learn about it, not the government. I think parents should decide what material their children get exposed to, not the government. I’m voting to re-elect Scott Herndon for Senate.

