Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon will say anything to get elected

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

My mailbox is filled with political mailings. Landfill issues aside, I’m indignant.

Our political system is vulnerable to cheap messaging and crazy amounts of money being pumped into the process. Stoking our divisiveness benefits the funders of third-party groups that publish lies to achieve agendas — e.g. privatizing education or ensuring no real tax reform. Controversy attracts money because it stokes our emotions and clouds our brains.

Sliver-tongued, sponsored candidates like Herndon say anything. He claims fiscal conservatism, but is he? In one moment, he’s a team player with colleagues; in the next, he’s reprimanded for publicly bashing their integrity. In one breath, he’s the champion of education; in the next, he denies funds and tinkers with local elections. He wasted county and city funds in a frivolous lawsuit that he lost three times. Rather than accepting the court’s ruling, he used his power to change that law.

Governor Little has “… confidence in the voters of Idaho, that when they see all the facts … that they will react accordingly.” I sure hope he’s right.

I want leaders of character and integrity. Is that too much to ask?

