Sunday, June 02, 2024

The gift of special people is a wonderful one

| March 2, 2004 8:00 PM

It was almost a year ago that a very special letter landed on my desk and this letter inspired me to write an article for the upcoming Wednesday health page. The author of this letter was not only a valued co-worker, but a friend.

Pat Tiberi's letter was a tribute to a life well-lived, even during the difficult times of living with a life-threatening disease. Her battle ended on Feb. 19, and a year later I honor her words on this week's "health" page.

I know Pat Tiberi because she had been a registered nurse with Bonner General Hospital for the past eight years. Her life profession of giving care to patients had reversed itself with a diagnosis of cancer. Her struggle with cancer had affected her physical strength, but the essence of who she was and what she represented, remained steadfast.

Every person is special in their own unique way, but there are those that seem to stand out in the crowd. They have the gift to give, even when the "giving gets tough". How many of us put off writing to our loved ones and friends because we don't have the time or the energy to share our day.

Her letter came to us at a crucial time and I want to share it with you.

"Dear BGH family, friends and co-workers, I'm not sure if I already wrote you a note because I'm running on 'fumes' here and things are getting a little confusing."

"Several weeks ago Dr. Grossett said my gas tank is on empty and he doesn't know how much 'fumes' we have. I laughed because I once drove 45 miles on a prayer and an empty tank of gas on Christmas Eve after work", Pat writes..

As I read on, I laughed, I cried and I felt honored. It's a privilege to be in the presence of someone who has grace. It's that magical quality in a person that you can't quite define, but you know it when you see it. It's a joy that radiates out in spite of a crisis, no matter what the magnitude.

Why do some people have such love and compassion that they can reach out when they feel so weak. It's almost like they put themselves "on hold" for awhile so they can deliver their message of love.

"I'm sorry I have to stop the many phone calls and visits. It just takes too much energy out of my day. I do still love to get funny cards and notes, plus I hope when you pick them out, they make you laugh too", Pat continued on.

In spite of her illness, she continued to "buck the system", or whatever comes with a cancer diagnosis. Last August, I spotted her serving meals at the food concession area for St. Joseph's Catholic Church, and she would continue attending many community events— in spite of her failing health.

She ended her letter by relating one small, but heartfelt request. "I do have one housekeeping chore if you could help me. I'd like to have my children have some good uplifting, funny memories of me to read when I'm gone. So, if anyone would be willing to drop them a note in our mailbox or Tito's shop, or even to Needie (at the hospital) and she could get them to me, I would be eternally grateful. I know there is at least one very funny pizza delivery story out there".

She ended her letter with an important message. "All there is… is love, you guys. Thank you for your love!"

Her letter is a gift. It's a present that reminds us to live in the "present". No matter how long or short our lives, no matter what our professions, or the state of our health, life is a series of small moments. Some are funny, some are sad, and some are life altering. None of them are meaningless.

I, as well as her friends and co-workers, say thank-you to Pat for reminding us to appreciate life's "little moments". Pat's two page letter of gratitude, past remembrances, compassion, and love, is a gentle reminder that the happier we are, the more likely we will want to share that contentment with others, no matter what our life circumstances.

If anyone would like to drop the Tiberi family a note or special remembrance, the address is 604 S. Olive Avenue, Sandpoint, and the email is!o(R)Caroline Lobsingerhealth_valolson_3-3_snpSnpEditorialHH2SORTbAe2AUDTAe”f\