Sunday, June 02, 2024

Gay marriage is about equality

| March 24, 2004 8:00 PM

As a heterosexual, Christian caucasian mother of two, I support gay marriage. To put it simply, I believe in equality for all people.

Amending the Constitution to take away the rights of gay people is an act of prejudice that goes against what the Constitution, and America, is all about. Equality is for everyone regardless of race, religion, age, or gender.

It is not my place to judge or restrict other people's choice to be married and enjoy the same rights as I myself am entitled to. To stand up for equal rights for gays is to stand up for equal rights for all humanity. It would be arrogant of me to put myself up on the throne of judgment. All people are created equal. It is time to let go of our fear and grow as a nation.

