Sunday, June 02, 2024

Abortion denies unborn their basic human rights

| February 23, 2005 8:00 PM

I am writing this in respond to Cindy Aase's letter.

I find contradictions in her letter, "Choose to help, not take away rights," published in the Thursday, Feb. 10, Daily Bee. Cindy advocates a woman's right to abortion but, at the same time, denies an innocent unborn the most precious right we have, the right to live.

It a person believes in the principle, lives by the principle, "do not deny rights," how does one advocate denying the innocent unborn the basic right to live? Remember the subject of sound reasoning, logic and debate? I so wish this would be a requirement for high school graduation.

No one on this earth has the right to destroy innocent human life. Once the sperm and egg unite, that is the beginning of human life, or how did we all get here? Implantation is not the beginning of human life, it sustains life.

It does not necessarily follow that the unborn allowed to live will be a liability to society. If we advocate getting rid of those innocent unborn that might be subject to an ill-fated life, believing in that principle, what do we do with all those that were born into a good life and turned sour? The same? Does your scolding say those who do not advocate abortion are not helping our troubled, poor and disadvantaged in our society?

Cindy is obviously sensitive to human suffering and is to be commended. I strongly urge her to research on how an unborn may suffer through an abortion.

