Sunday, June 02, 2024

Together, we can keep the Sandpoint we love

by Doug HAWKINS<br
| May 3, 2008 9:00 PM

What is Sandpoint to you? What is it about Sandpoint that makes it where you want to call home? What do you want Sandpoint to be like in 10 years? 20 years? 40 years?

To me, Sandpoint is the eclectic mix of uniquely talented people in our area. It is the awe inspiring geography and neighbors acting like friends. It is the fantastic restaurants, the Festival and high school sports. It is small town America and it is something charming that is hard to find.

This is what I want Sandpoint to be in 10, 20, and 40 years. I want this while I recognize that our town will continue to grow and change as a community.

Luckily, it is possible for us to continue to open our arms people new to the area and work to make sure our current locals are able to stay. That is not to say it will be easy. For this to work, we all must consciously and continually act like neighbors toward each other, as cities and as individuals.

For individuals, it means introducing yourself to the stranger next door. It means shoveling snow from your neighbor's roof when you could be staying warm inside. It means helping out with youth sports and buying something at a raffle to support the arts or a family in need.

For cities it is harder to act like neighbors. It means working cooperatively on zoning for land use, infrastructure and public safety. For some cities, this means being willing to give up some “power” to other entities. For others, it means contributing more towards the public goods we all use, but for which only some pay.

This all seems simple enough, but it will be a continual challenge. As humans, we generally resist change. We fear the unknown. We shouldn't. We all know it is coming. We need to work together to shape the change so it is what we want rather than try to fight or ignore the inevitable and have it determined for us.

Specifically, we need to attract and maintain jobs that help locals make a living and stay. We need to support our community events and projects that make this a wonderful place to live. We need elected officials that will work together regionally on such things as water, sewer and transportation. This will help spread costs so it is more affordable for everyone while keeping our high standards. We need to gradually increase the density of construction in all the towns that make up the greater Sandpoint area, so we can provide enough housing for locals and new arrivals, without sprawling into the open areas around us that help make our county beautiful.

By working together, we can keep the Sandpoint we love, even as it continues to change.