Sunday, June 02, 2024

Letter writer goes too far with inappropriate term

| May 21, 2008 9:00 PM

While NICAN certainly disagrees with the opinion espoused by Mr. Dickson in his May 13, 2008 letter to the editor, NICAN and the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) wholeheartedly support Mr. Dickson’s exercise of his freedom of speech.

To borrow from Voltaire: We do not agree with what you have to say Mr. Dickson, but we support your right to say it.

That said, Mr. Dickson’s use of the term “terrorist organization” to describe the noble work of the WELC ( goes way too far. Such inflammatory, reckless, and inaccurate language amounts to hate speech that has the effect of silencing members of the community who may disagree with Mr. Dickson’s personal opinions for fear of retaliation, verbal and otherwise.

Shame on Mr. Dickson for resorting to such tactics and shame on the Daily Bee for allowing it to happen. This community deserves better.




Eugene, Ore.