Sunday, June 02, 2024

Quality education is worth the cost

| February 18, 2009 8:00 PM

This letter is written in support of the upcoming supplemental school levy for the LPO School District. My wife and I have considered this issue a great deal over the last several weeks and continue to come to the same conclusion. Though these are certainly trying times for many of us, we have to continue to look toward the future.

As parents, our greatest charge is to prepare our children to continue on after us. Their security and welfare is precious beyond measure. The future of our nation depends on them being well-trained and educated for the difficult tasks ahead. Without this levy their preparation for these tasks will be severely hampered. Not just extracurricular activities; but staffing, supplies and operating expenses for basic core classes will be sharply cut.

No one looks forward to paying taxes. Our family is no different. Some things though, are worth the cost. A quality education for the future of our children is one of them.

As kids growing up in Sandpoint, my wife and I were afforded that privilege. That training helped make it possible for us to continue to work and live here. We feel it important the children of today have that same opportunity.

Please vote YES on the 24th.

