Sunday, June 02, 2024

Lord, we need help here in this world

| December 9, 2010 6:00 AM

I witnessed

A beautiful, compassionate Haitian Mother


Unable to feed her starving children

Desperately fabricating cookies from mud

Struggling to fill empty tummies

Her loving hands attempting to deliver relief from the pain of hunger

As her babies starve to death

Mud cookies

My mind exploded

I was devoured by empathy, love, frustration, and rage

Time to appear, Jesus

Confirm this most deplorable episode of sin in its purest form

Behold your creations toleration of this damnable condition

Time to remedy the mistake

A mother forced to feed her starving children mud

While we spend billions on war

The experiment has failed, Jesus

We have failed

We have demonstrated our ungodliness

Time to release the rains again

Rid this world of our ever growing cancerous presence

Return Shangri-La to the animals

Just retribution is paradise lost

Or perhaps If you could find the compassion

You blessed that loving mother with

You might just get off your angelic butt

Get down here

And make yourself useful once again

We could use the help

