Sunday, June 02, 2024

Thoughts on donations and U.S. immigration

| March 10, 2011 6:00 AM

I sat down and read the complete U.S. Constitution for the first time, replete with the amendments, additions, deletions, changes and changes to the changes. I’ll be the first to admit that there’s other stuff I’d rather read. There are some things that are just blatantly wrong with this picture.

Nowhere does the First Amendment state, or even hint at, that corporations should be considered human beings, and therefore able to contribute huge sums of money to the candidate or party of their choice in elections. Secondly, the amendment is very clear that if you were born here, you can stay and reap our numerous benefits. That would include the offspring of illegal aliens.

I can only imagine that our supreme justices must have forgotten to take their medication while deliberating on this ruling. Need I eleaborate on just how horrific this decision is? True, Congress could nullify the ruling, but what red-blooded American politician would turn down a generous donation to their re-election campaign? Corporations, not us, nor our government will now own the country.

And just how are we going to get around this immigration thing? When the Constitution was drafted, our founding fathers, however well-intentioned, were not even aware there would be a Southwest or even a Texas. We will be asked to welcome these new Americans with open arms and perceived bottomless wallet.

Be prepared to brush up on your Spanish. I suspect my next future read will be “The Rise and Fall of America” penned by the Chinese.


Priest River