Sunday, June 02, 2024

Just who benefits from poor schools?

| May 20, 2012 9:00 PM

I am sure a segment of our community really cares about the constitutional bona fides of every candidate for minor political office. And I am sure there is an overlap with the conspiracy-prone folks who feel President Barack Obama’s iron boot of oppression every time a game warden stops by to peek in the cooler for prohibited trout. But why do so few in our community choose to weigh in about the actual threat to the long-term viability of all rural Idaho communities?

Of course I am referring to the purposeful crippling of primary education by Tom Luna and his patron, Butch Otter. Take a look at what is in store for the Lake Pend Oreille School District next year. If you care about the kids in this county, you will be shocked. Warning: largest budget item of state government scarcely mentioned in this paper while group photos of joggers and railroad commemorations are featured on page one.

It started as an opportunistic smack at Idaho’s comparatively weak teachers’ unions but has evolved into a far ranging ideological attack on “liberal” education. I guess only so much can be stolen from the taxpayers when the books are open on salary negotiations: much more can be grabbed through rigged computer hardware and software purchasing contracts when there is little risk that our local political leaders will rock the boat. Just ask yourself, who benefits when Idaho becomes a less desirable place to live due to poor schools: real citizens, or large landholding interests?

