Sunday, June 02, 2024

Thank you for election support

| June 11, 2013 7:00 AM

I want to thank all those who considered my candidacy for the Zone 5 seat on the Lake Pend Oreille School Board. I urge you to continue to engage teachers, schools, the district, fellow parents, and community businesses on the issues that are dramatically transforming the educational landscape in Sandpoint. Find your voice so others can find common cause.

I want to thank Sandpoint Online, KRFY, the Bee, and those who enabled my candidacy for giving me the opportunity to air out thoughts on a subject dear to me. Your help and participation are essential to the democratic process and your efforts to grant me access were greatly appreciated.

I want to congratulate Steve Youngdahl on his re-election. I enjoyed our chat on KRFY and am confident he will continue to serve LPOSD with honor and integrity. I pledge to remain frank and independent with future discussions, public and private. It is the only way I know remain true to the cause of children and their parents.

Finally, I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to the “intrepid forty” who voted for a nomadic transplant to Sandpoint. I wish I had more time and political savvy to offer a more spirited campaign. I hope that in the coming months you make yourself known to me, an invitation that also extends to those who did not vote or who did not vote for me. Any shift in the paradigm of discourse begins with the free and often informal exchange of ideas. Try me.

