Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sagle thrift store set to re-open

| December 16, 2016 12:00 AM

SAGLE — After a vehicle crash left the Sagle Senior Thrift Store boarded up for more than two months, the doors will again open for business on Monday.

"We wish to apologize for the business interruption, but we could not operate the store during the remodel of the storefront," said store manager Bert Britton in a statement Wednesday.

On Sept. 28, a woman lost control of her vehicle due to a brake malfunction, causing her car to strike the front of the store. The crash destroyed the wall and windows near the entrance, along with some china, knick-knacks and other items.

The store will resume regular hours of operation, which include Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

It is closed on Wednesdays.

Donations of things like clothing and utensils will again be accepted, but management requests that no mattresses, stereo equipment or televisions be dropped off.

The store is located at 70 Walker Way, Sagle.