Sunday, June 02, 2024

Christmas decorations

by Greg Barnes
| December 23, 2016 12:00 AM

My wife started decorating for Christmas on the 2nd of December; a little later than usual. She asked me to go up to the attic and bring down the box that contained our artificial tree and all the rest of our Christmas decorations. As she was opening the boxes, she stopped. She rummaged around and found our Christmas music and put five CDs on the player and turned up the volume. She was now in the mood. I helped her put on the lights and then sat in a chair in the same room where her flurry of decorating was taking place and I buried myself in a novel. As the tree came to life, she decorated and hummed to the music; I sat and read. I know, I know — but she’s just better at it than I am.

Occasionally, my wife stopped and asked me what I thought about the way she had placed a decoration on the tree. I looked up from my novel, listened to Kenny G gracefully play “Silent Night”, declared my approval of her always artful hand, and then refocused my glasses so I could race toward the exciting end of my book. This was truly a day off. It was wonderful. Christmas was still nearly a month away, but my wife was making everything ready beforehand so we could sit and enjoy it.

I wonder how long God thought about His creation before He actually spoke it into existence. How long did the Holy Spirit hover over the deep before the Word was given? I picture the Father and Son planning out everything, talking it over, as it were, while the Spirit waited to bring forth the artists’ conception.

As I watched my wife slowly but artfully decorate the Christmas tree, I wondered about the decisions that went into creating the universe as well as the flora and fauna of this planet. It wasn’t as though the Father and Son had to make any quick decisions. The Spirit knew the exact moment when Adam would arrive on the scene so They decorated with flair, just like my wife decorated the tree, standing back every now and then saying, “Good, very good.”

I think one of the really great things about Christmas is watching the creativity of my wife as she sets the tone of our home. She thinks about it, plans it out, stands back, makes a few adjustments, and then says, “I like that.”

When I think about God creating our universe in this way it gives me a clearer picture of what a loving and caring God we have. He didn’t just string the lights, put up the decorations and say, “there you go.” No, God lovingly thought about every little detail, and adjusted everything just so. If God did that for the entire universe and the planet on which we live, imagine how much thought He put into you and me!

This Christmas, as you enjoy the decorations and holiday spirit, spend some time thinking about how much God loves you. Every natural thing you see around you was created by Him for your enjoyment. He just wants you to enjoy it with Him.

Merry Christmas.

Greg Barnes is pastor at New Song Bible Church.