Sunday, June 02, 2024

Do these three things today for better health

| December 28, 2016 12:00 AM

The Christmas holiday is over, the pumpkin pie and stuffing are gone and you’re trying to figure out when to start your diet right? Do we start on a Monday, Wednesday, next month, how about February? Is there ever a good time to start?

I laugh at this because it happens to so many Americans. Indulge, feel guilty, set a New Year’s resolution, fall off the weight loss wagon after two weeks, repeat pattern. The next thing we see is the scale continuing to creep up in numbers, our pants no long fit and we feel like crap. Geez, what a conundrum. So, what’s a person to do?

What are the three things my clients do before I accept them as clients and what will help you as well?

1. Goals: I help my clients to establish a realistic goal. Mini short-term goals that are attainable during the first 30 days of our new coaching routine, as well as, a long-term goal that is important to them … not me.

It’s never about the trainer and always about the client reaching their goals. Insert hashtag here — #youmatter.

2. Mindset: This is super important. We can get the cutest workout clothes, the gym membership, hire the best fitness professionals and buy the latest in fitness gadgets.

If our mindset isn’t right, none of that above listed will even matter. None of it.

3. Accountability: You must be accountable to yourself and your new routine so that you can reach your goals.

If you can’t afford a fitness professional, grab a workout buddy that will help you be accountable.

And for gosh sake, don’t wait. When is a good time to start creating a healthier lifestyle and incorporating a new fitness routine? NOW.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at