Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| September 8, 2016 1:00 AM

It has occurred to me … why has there been no PC police uprising over the University of Southern California mascot name “Trojans?” Don’t the morally gifted, intellectually elite PC police recognize that “Trojan” is the brand name of a very popular — so I’m told — condom?

There has to be at least one person out there that finds “Trojans” offensive. All it takes in our upside-down minority rules society is one individual to morph into an offended class and presto, accommodation must be made. Offended people have rights, you know.

I wonder if there is a brand of condom that has a red tint? If so, the owners of the Washington Redskins could reasonably claim the name “Redskins” (how offensive) refers to a condom and not to Indians … er, I mean Native Americans. Then everyone could be happy, happy, happy, and instead of fans dressing as Indians, they could come as a … well, you know.

Anyway, please excuse me while I figure out what offends me.

God bless America, and God bless or military.

