Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| September 15, 2016 1:00 AM

Now that the levy is behind us, the Democrat spin machine is in full throttle.

Back in July 2013, Kate McAlister strong-armed the city into giving her not only the entire booty of the BID taxes, but tossed another $50,000 per year of Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency funds in to make her happy. The deal was that the chamber would receive a “management fee,” in lieu of rent and office costs, to run the BID. And run it they did. They blew over $500,000 of taxpayer money in all sorts of shenanigans over the past four years.

A total lack of transparency is still the norm, so we will never know what really happened during that acquisition mode.

However, before the ink was even dry, Kate started charging the BID rent and overhead on a monthly basis, in total violation of the agreement.

Did she realize this “error” was being made? I personally confronted her, the mayor du jour, local prosecutors and the attorney general of Idaho, to no avail. I also suggested that something is rotten to our city administrator and she responded that “everyone has to pay rent.” Seriously?

So the chamber owes the BID a big check and I’ll wager that they never write it. Kate should have been put out to pasture, but instead seeks a promotion.

Is the organized, intentional and repeated fraudulent acquisition of tax money from 400 local businesses a felony or resume item? I guess it depends on which party one represents.

