Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| February 17, 2017 12:00 AM

We are writing this letter in support of our community’s future, the education of our children, the Lake Pend Oreille School District, and the upcoming replacement supplemental levy.

As LPOSD alumni, our future was directly shaped by educators who recognized our potential and a community that cared enough to support those educators. We are fortunate to now live and work in that same community where our children are fourth-generation students. We love the LPOSD schools our children attend and feel deeply that all students deserve every opportunity possible, regardless of the unfortunate politics and the lack of funding for education.

We are saddened by the actions of people with alternate agendas, who would knowingly give skewed information regarding this levy to sway voters. We urge you to consider the source, get all of the information, reach out to get clarification if needed, and make an educated vote. We hope that voters will recognize that by each contributing a little, our community will get so much in return for generations to come.

With a yes vote for this replacement supplemental levy, our community can prove how much we value our children and their futures.


Clark Fork