Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| February 25, 2017 12:00 AM

We moved here in the 1970s and our three children grew up and attended public schools here in Sandpoint. They received a solid education by some very dedicated teachers to prepare them for the rest of their lives and two of my grandchildren have also greatly benefited by our local school system.

On March 14, we will vote on the renewal of a maintenance school levy to fund 30 percent of the school budget. There are elements in our community that are questioning this levy and are working to defeat it. The failure of this levy would be devastating to our community and especially to our young people who at this time — more than ever — are dependant on a good education to prepare them for a world that is very different from when I grew up.

The failure of the levy would eliminate over 300 jobs, force the closure of several outlying schools, eliminate extracurricular activities that greatly benefit the lives of young students and necessitate morning and afternoon shifts of greatly enlarged classes that would disrupt family schedules and life.

It would also bring the threat of local companies moving away because they cannot attract qualified workers due to inferior schools for their children as well as discouraging prospective companies to move here for the same reason. It would have a devastating effect on the local economy.

Please go to the polls on March 14 and vote yes for the proposed school levy.

