Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| January 15, 2017 12:00 AM

Saturday’s “World/Nation headline “U.S. veteran arrested in Fla. airport shooting” was somewhat misleading. I hope it was something picked up from the AP and not the Daily Bee’s take.

Just when the myth of the crazed Vietnam “Rambo” veteran seemed to have been put to rest we get this despicable headline. The shooter was a veteran, but everything else about him that is truly pertinent was overwhelmed by the headline.

The guy was not honorably discharged — usually a good indication that there was some really bad character flaw found during his service. There also appears to be some connections to Islamic terrorism already leaking out, and his very methodical and well executed terror spree belie any insanity plea.

Until pertinent facts get sorted out there is no good reason to implicate any group in this manner be they Hispanics, Guardsmen, men in general, Muslims or veterans. Report the facts, that is fair and honest reportage, but the headline as written grossly feeds the mad dog veteran myth.

There are millions of veterans living among us, the overwhelming majority living decent lives, working, having families and trying to make it in this tough economy. Headlines like this, however subtle, are doubtless one more burden these honorable men and women must shoulder. Please, don’t inadvertently make it any tougher for them. Semper Fidelis.

