Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| January 19, 2017 12:00 AM

On a scale of 1 to infinity, how embarrassed are you that you voted for and find yourself represented in Boise by Heather Scott? Come on now, be honest, is your face red? Are you shaking your head in unabashed amazement? Are you scolding your hand now because it almost voted for the reasonable, rational candidate, Kate McAlister, but suddenly veered to the other side of the ballot in a spasm and checked the H. Scott box?

Well, there’s always the next election. Crazy is as crazy does and Mrs. Scott is a genius at all kinds of crazy.

P.S. Heather Scott, tip number 1: Before going to bed, check your ceiling with a hammer just to make sure that there are no hidden microphones that could incriminate you. You can never be too safe.

