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Teens speak on landmark climate change

| July 30, 2017 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Three young climate advocates from Seattle will share stories and music about their lawsuits demanding rights to a sustainable future, currently in process against the U.S. fedeal government and the state of Washington. The event is in Sandpoint on Saturday, Aug. 12, noon to 1:30 p.m.

One of the featured speakers, Aji Piper, 17, is a plaintiff in the groundbreaking lawsuit that was filed in federal court in 2015 by 21 youths, all between ages of 9 and 21 years. They say youth need to have a voice in protecting their future and currently the best route is through the legal system. In the suit, the youths’ position is that the government has taken aggregate actions that cause and exacerbate climate change. The trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 5, 2018, in U.S. District Court in Eugene, Ore.

All three climate advocates, Aji, Gabe Mandell, 15, and Adonis Williams, 12, are involved in a similar suit against the state of Washington. The suit originated from the denial of their petition to the Department of Ecology asking for a rule capping and regulating carbon dioxide emissions, using the newest and most accurate climate science. The scientific prescription, developed by top climate scientists, including Dr. James Hansen, states in order to stabilize our climate system, atmospheric carbon dioxide level must be drawn down to 350 ppm (parts per million), or less, by the end of the century. The current level is 400 ppm and climbing rapidly. Gabe Mandell commented, “the Department of Ecology has a mandate to protect our future and they’re not doing it.” The youth are supported by Our Children’s Trust, an Oregon-based non-profit organization that works to elevate the voice of youth to secure the legal right to a stable climate system.

The trio is not depending solely on the courts to assure a livable, sustainable climate for themselves and future generations. All are Climate Justice Ambassadors for the Pacific NW Chapter of Plant for the Planet, ( part of an international organization with over 100,000 youth who have planted more than 14 billion trees in over 130 nations.

The Saturday event will feature welcoming remarks by Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad, original music performed by climate youth trio, a question and answer period, and a tree-planting ceremony.

Several Idaho-based groups will highlight opportunities for meaningful local action on climate change issues. The audience is invited to meet Aji, Gabe and Adonis after the event, and to discuss the possibility of starting a Plant for the Planet chapter here, as well as initiating a similar lawsuit in Idaho.

The event, sponsored by, will be held Aug. 12, from noon-1:30 p.m. at the Gardenia Center, 400 Church St, Sandpoint, ID. Seating is limited.