Sunday, June 02, 2024

Area groups co-hosting Earth First! road show

| June 16, 2017 1:00 AM

RADAR and Wild Idaho Rising Tide will co-host the 2017 Earth First. Road Show and Direct Action Camp on June 22-23 in Sandpoint.

Activists are converging for camps over several nights and training sessions on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Friday from 1-6 p.m., at several locations disclosed by RSVPing to WIRT. To connect with, learn about, and support the various ecological and social resistance struggles for a better world, a group of Earth First!ers has been offering skills sharing workshops for those interested since April. On a two-month, cross-continent tour beginning in south Florida and ending at the annual, July 2-9 Round River Rendezvous, this year in northern California, the road show collective has been nurturing the inspiring seeds of dissidence throughout the country, along a route that coincides with action camps and conferences.

Prior to the North Idaho visit, events will be held on June 20 in Spokane and on June 21 in Missoula, Mont., before trekking back to the West Coast of Seattle and Olympia, Wash., on June 25-26. Organizers said the goal is to encourage and assist local resistance through this event will help the Idaho Panhandle build momentum to oppose important but delicate area infrastructure (like the proposed, second, Lake Pend Oreille rail bridge), which facilitates fracked Bakken shale and Alberta tar sands oil and gas extraction and transportation.

Two days of workshops adapted to participants’ interests will provide a one-hour talk about Earth First! history, stories, and philosophies, and a short presentation promoting biocentrism within a cross-struggle framework, all addressing the current U.S. political climate.

For tour updates, questions, and comments, visit the website, and email the road show crew at See and contact WIRT by phone, text, and email message, for further event information, materials, suggestions, and RSVPs. The road show collective has asked for training camp promotion in person and via email, listservs, and flyers, keeping necessary event logistics, guest lists, and outreach private through Facebook.