Sunday, June 02, 2024

No headline

| May 4, 2017 1:00 AM

Bonner County was extremely fortunate to have Cary Kelly as the chairman of the Bonner County Board of Commissioners for the last four years. He proved himself to be an honest, dedicated public servant who served us well. He worked hard, worked well with others, and was a positive leader whose only agenda was the best interests of the people of Bonner County. Now, we are twice blessed.

Mr. Kelly is now willing to utilize his many skills and expertise (honed initially as an officer in the Marines for many years) on the school board. Cary’s experience in managing people and programs as well as his background in education, will assure us that our children and our schools will thrive. His high quality skills and standards will assure us that the school district and its children are in very capable hands. We wholeheartedly support Cary Kelly for the school district and hope you will, too.

