Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sravasti Abbey hosting monthly Dharma Day

| May 5, 2017 1:00 AM

Sravasti Abbey — the Buddhist monastery in Newport, Wash. — combines the Buddhist celebration of Kathina (kuh-teen-ah) with its monthly Sharing the Dharma Day program. This month’s program is Sunday, May 7, from 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

People of all faiths and backgrounds who would like to know more about the Buddha’s teachings are welcomed to attend.

The Sharing the Dharma Day schedule is offered in the morning, with a guided meditation followed by talk from “An Open-Hearted Life”, a guidebook for developing compassion by local psychologist Dr. Russell Kolts and Abbey founder Venerable Thubten Chodron. After a vegetarian potluck lunch, the Kathina ceremony will begin.

The Kathina is widely celebrated in Buddhist countries of southeast Asia. It is a time when lay followers make offerings of the four requisites — food, clothing, medicine, and shelter — to replenish the monastery’s supplies after concluding their three-month winter retreat. The monks and nuns accept these offerings, and ceremonially offers a “robe of merit” to a worthy senior monastic. The abbey’s version of this celebration includes a procession, chanting, and another talk that celerbates and explains history and symbolism of the ritual. It is a festive occasion and, again, all are welcome.

Dress is casual, although modesty is appropriate for a monastic environment. Short skirts and shorts are discouraged. Friendly curiosity and openness to learn are the only pre-requisites. Please bring a vegetarian lunch item to share.

The first session begins at 9:45 a.m., potluck lunch is at noon, and the program ends about 3:30. There is no charge, and offerings — of food for the community and/or financial gifts — are always welcomed. A list of sugested offerings for this special kathina ceremony is on the Wish List page of the Abbey’s website,

Sravasti Abbey is located at 692 Country Lane, Newport. For more information and directions, check the website or call 509-447-5549 or email