Sunday, June 02, 2024

Eating for good health can be nutritious, delicious

| September 20, 2017 1:00 AM

Ask a busy adult to take on just one more thing and they will sigh a deep breath, roll their eyes and think about punching you in the arm.

With today’s pressures and chaotic lives we live, I thought it would be helpful to provide you with a few simple steps that can be taken to boost your health without overcomplicating things or adding to the chaos and stress.

Here are five easy things you can do this week.

1. Season your lean beef entrees with parsley and fresh thyme. As an added bonus, parsley also cleanses your liver!

2. Add spinach and bell peppers to your breakfast omelet. It’s delicious and nutritious.

3. Eat peanut butter on toast with a few slices of strawberries, on the side.

4. Mix raspberries with cottage cheese and a dash of cinnamon on top. This combination makes for a great evening snack.

5. Sprinkle ginger on top of your steamed vegetables.

Each of the five are all delicious options that will add a healthy boost without adding additional duties to your “already hectic” day.

Eat crud, you will feel like crud.

Eat good nutritious food at each meal and you will be pleasingly surprised at how you feel.

Being healthy doesn’t have to be confusing or complicating. Just take one step at a time.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at For more fitness tips and healthy recipes, feel free to subscribe at the link above.