Sunday, June 02, 2024

Bike tunnel is a boondoggle

| July 22, 2018 1:00 AM

Just found out a few days ago, with suitable tax payer annoyance, that the construction project on bottle Bay road and U.S. Highway 95 is allegedly a bike tunnel.

I have heard this description for the project several times and assume its true. I also assume the rumored multi-million dollar price tag is true and that the state and or county is not really proud of the idea or there would be a “YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK - BIKE TUNNEL “ sign at the site.

Its depressing that the left coast lunacy our friends to the west suffer from has apparently made it to Idaho and the Sandpoint area. I suspect many of us sought refuge here to escape such trendy nonsense. It makes little sense to abandon an area because you and your fellow progressives have made it unlivable only to demand the same big city appointments that you sought escape from upon arrival at your new location.

If the likely less than on tenth of 1 percent of cross country bicyclists who ride here, less than six months of the year, want a tunnel I suggest they be licensed and pay road taxes and that money, when adequate, be used for bike tunnels.

If my information is incorrect I apologize. It was promoted by a lack of transparency. If its not, its not like we don’t have actual needed infrastructure projects in the area.

Finally. have they considered the eventual widening of U.S. 95 into four lane traffic or will we pay to redo the tunnel when that happens?

