Sunday, June 02, 2024

Let your thoughts be heard in city surveys

| December 19, 2019 12:00 AM

The city of Sandpoint is offering a series of surveys to gather public opinion on a variety of subjects. Currently “Transportation” is the subject — all forms of transportation. Anybody (not just city residents) may participate

The city frequently speculates that our population is close to 10,000. As of Wednesday afternoon less than one-half of one percent of that number had responded — 51 people with 42 of those living in the city. The city states this survey is one of the tools they will use to aid them in updating the city’s transportation plan. Given the minimal number of responses at this point, I have doubts that the city will take them very seriously.

I mention this because the predominant thread throughout the results posted to date reveals general dissatisfaction with the city’s narrow streets, bump-outs, poorly thought out traffic signs and signals, lack of safe bike lanes and especially, the confusing Pine and 5th intersection. I don’t believe these are the comments the city is hoping for.

To participate, register anonymously on your peronal computer or phone through Engage Sandpoint. The absolute deadline for this first survey is midnight Sunday, Dec. 22, so you must do this soon.

The survey offers an opportunity for written comments following every question. These comments are recorded and made a part of the record for all to see online.

Don’t let this become another case of the city declaring they didn’t hear from anyone. Let your thoughts be heard! It’s up to you!

