Sunday, June 02, 2024

District needs to cancel levy vote, set up re-vote

| December 24, 2019 12:00 AM

If a person was nominated to an office, or was elected to an office, and you believed he or she had not won it fairly, would you protest and demand a re-vote?

If a business was found to be falsifying its’ financial reports, would you demand it be penalized?

If you purchased a subscription service and then you discovered there were hidden fees that had not been disclosed, would you seek an investigation?

The matter of the recently passed school levy indicates the Lake Pend Oreille School District had some explaining to do.

Were they aware of the financial impact it would have on property taxes? If so, why did they hide that fact, though required by state law? If not, why is their financial advisor paid so much?

Recently, a host on AM 1400 expressed his surprise and displeasure about the property tax hike from that levy. Would he still have voted for the levy if he had known its impact?

It seems as if most people prefer honesty and fair play. If the school board wants to salvage some respect, they should cancel the previous vote and set-up a re-vote. Preferably at a time of the year when the majority of property owners are expected to be present. Perhaps in May.

