Sunday, June 02, 2024

SHS Players-a-Day Countdown: Will Treadaway

by Kyle Cajero Sports Editor
| February 12, 2019 12:00 AM

The SHS Player(s)-a-Day countdown continues with junior forward Will Treadaway.

Having two skilled forwards like Alex Stockton and Brandon Casey can be a rarity for schools in towns like Sandpoint.

But having a third in junior forward Will Treadaway? That’s a luxury.

Whenever either Casey or Stockton got into foul trouble, Treadaway was the guy. Having another forward in the rotation has helped Sandpoint so many times; from making hustle plays, to grabbing key rebounds, to making sure the Bulldogs weren’t undersized, Treadaway’s presence has been one of the most underrated parts about this season.

But the most intriguing part about Treadaway’s game is his potential to stretch the floor. He’s shot (and made) a couple threes this year — and for the most part, most of these attempts have been within the flow of the offense. If Treadaway becomes a consistent shooter, then Sandpoint could have an interesting, yet exciting wrinkle in its offense next season.

Game of note: vs. West Valley

In Wade Engelson’s words: “Will has a great feel for the game, he’s a good passer and he’s really improving with finishing around the basket. He is one of the guys that’s improved a lot during the season; his improvement is evident in his increased playing time as the season has progressed.”