Sunday, June 02, 2024

Vote or you deserve what you don't get

| September 12, 2019 1:00 AM

I yearn for the feeling of pride I had as a youth upon witnessing the display of my country’s flag as it passed by during a typical small-town Fourth of July parade. It was held aloft and majestically presented by an honor guard comprised of the members of the different armed services.

I yearn for the pride and gratitude I felt upon being blessed with being born an American. I have difficulties mustering those feelings today when I witness the inability of my government’s elected officers’ failings to honor their sworn duty to serve the common good. I witness not the Golden Rule being practiced, but a philosophy of he who has the gold rules.

I fear America is approaching a darkness from which she may never recover. Our saving grace is our ability to voice our opinion and choice through the ballot box. if you don’t vote, you deserve what you don’t get. Exercise your American duty, heritage and blessing. Vote.

