Sunday, June 02, 2024

Bill would take initiative rights away from Idahoans

| February 16, 2021 1:00 AM

To Senate State Affairs Committee members, I am writing to ask that you please consider killing the initiative bill being presented to you by Senator Steve Vick.

It is already extremely difficult to qualify an initiative in Idaho, and Senator Vick's bill would make it much, much harder, if not impossible. His bill would require signatures from 6% of registered voters in all 35 of Idaho's legislative districts, an increase in the number of required districts from 18 to 35 with no additional increase in the timeframe of 18 months to collect the signatures.

Please consider the fact that the ballot initiative is a constitutional right that is guaranteed by Idaho’s constitution. It was enshrined in our state constitution to give ordinary citizens a voice in their government over a century ago. Please help preserve the rights of ordinary Idaho citizens and do not allow this bill to proceed.

Thank you for your consideration. From an ordinary Idaho citizen and concerned voter.

