Sunday, June 02, 2024

Why celebrate independence as a Christian?

by CHRIS BASSETT Contributing Writer
| July 9, 2021 1:00 AM

One of the many things that can be lost over time is the context of past events and their impact. We take time when we study the Bible to engage in what scholars call hermeneutics. This practice uses what we know of the history, culture, and language of a text to discover the most likely interpretation.

When we consider the reality of the nation that we live in, we can often forget the reality of context. In fact, I would say that most of us never truly consider the context through which our nation was birthed. As with taking scriptures out of context, we can do the same in our national history, as well as in our personal lives.  

Many times, we do not consider the grievances and the efforts given by the founders in order to address those and to honor the authority of the throne of England. We also do not understand the cost of lives lost, houses burned, and families killed prior to the declaration of independence. We catch a glimpse of the context in the Declaration itself, as Thomas Jefferson lists a detail of issues, and efforts to resolve those.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government." (National Archives)

The Declaration of Independence was birthed through the trial of submission and was adopted unanimously after 169 years of British rule. This was not a sudden decision, nor was it a decision made quickly or out of spite. From the words of the founders, this was a decision that they knew would lead to war, create hardship, and even cost some their lives. 

The result has been the freest, inclusive and prosperous society ever seen in the world. The fruit of which has been the gospel being spread into more nations, and more poverty being erased in the poorest of countries, through the efforts of the United States, its culture, and legacy. Of course, no system is perfect (except the Kingdom of Heaven) and we must learn the lessons needed to live up to those ideals written in the Constitution.

More importantly, we have the call to be like Jesus, to live as He lived and to walk as He walked. Many of us struggle to live up the ideals of Christ-like-ness, and we know that only God can produce that kind of fruit. Many of us still live under the tyranny of fear, failure, addiction and selfishness.

In the same spirit as our founders, we declare independence in the body of Christ from the tyranny of addiction, fear, selfishness, and judgment. You have suffered long enough under the abuses of sin, your past, and the devil's lies. It is your right, and your duty as a Christian to throw off the despotism of the evil bondages of the devil in your life. You have been given a declaration of independence at the cross!  Now it's time for you to receive the gift of freedom in your life, the life of your children, and the lives of those you influence.

Chris Bassett is a pastor at Harvest Valley Worship Center. Go online to or email to connect with him.