Sunday, June 02, 2024

Schweitzer adds to Fourth fun total

Staff Writer | June 22, 2021 1:00 AM

I can still hear my nephew, Tanner, as his long hat streaming behind him as he raced down Schweitzer in a tuck position: "Sorry, Aunt Caroline."

OK, fair disclosure, he was only seven and his "tuck position" was probably more from him looking back to apologize for having accidentally knocked his favorite aunt over in her first ever attempt to ski. He had meant to give me a high five to congratulate me for making halfway down the massively steep slope (OK, it was the bunny hill) but things didn't go as planned.

Why bring up my first ever attempt at skiing?

Because Schweitzer — the folks who helped create a pretty special memory — donated $2,000 toward the community's Fourth of July celebration which is being put on by the Sandpoint Lions Club.

If you've ever gone up to Schweitzer to ski (downhill or Nordic) or snowboard — or take advantage of their hills for hiking and mountain biking, I challenge you to donate a dollar for every trail that is your "favorite." If you're like most folks, there will at least be a handful of runs that created your own special memories.

Total donations received to date total $4,800. Those donating to the Independence Day celebration will be named in future columns. If you would like to be anonymous, please indicate that on your donation or let the Lions Club know.

This year, the theme for Fourth of July parades is "It Takes a Community" and the event will showcase the many local businesses which impacted by the pandemic, and celebrate the community and all residents, Lions Club officials said.

Applications are being accepted for the Grand Parade, and will be until the morning of the parade.

The children’s parade will start at 9 a.m., and the Grand Parade will begin at 10 a.m.

While the club has the funds to cover the costs of the parades, celebration, and fireworks show, they're looking to make them bigger and better than ever.

Although overall fundraising for this year is limited due to the short turnaround time, Lions Club officials held a raffle in 2019 to pay for 2020 fireworks, which were then run by Sandpoint Independence Day, Inc. instead.

Those funds, in addition to community donations, will be used for the Fourth of July events.

Those who wish to contribute to the July 4 fundraising can do so by clicking the donation link on the Lion’s Facebook page or dropping off donations at the Daily Bee, 310 Church St.

Caroline Lobsinger can be reached by email at and follow her on Twitter @CarolDailyBee.