Sunday, June 02, 2024

The power and messages of biblical stories

by CAROL SHIRK KNAPP Contributing Writer
| February 16, 2022 1:00 AM

Storytelling is a way of presenting biblical text to those who gather to listen. We the people relate best through stories. Along with the Bible story several questions are asked: What do I like about this story? What don't I like? What character do I most identify with? What do I learn about God? How can I apply this story to my life?

Naaman was captain of the army for the king of Aram — the present day regions of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, and Iraq. A renowned warrior, he was also afflicted with leprosy — a bacterial infection known today as Hansen's disease. His wife's maid, a young girl captured from Israel, piped up and said she knew of a prophet, Elisha, in her country who could cure Naaman.

Naaman traveled with unbelievable wealth to gift Elisha if he would cure his leprosy. When he arrived at the doorway of Elisha's house, Elisha didn't even come out. He sent a messenger saying to wash in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman was furious. He'd expected a big production. And besides, he had rivers in his own country in which he could dip.

He left in a rage. His servant confronted him along the way — saying if Naaman had been required to do some bold thing, wouldn't he have done it. Why not give this simple thing a try? This convinced the proud Naaman to humble himself — and after that seventh dip he rose from the water completely cured.

He returned to Elisha's house ready to unload his rich gifts — acknowledging the God of Israel as the true God. Elisha wanted nothing, and couldn't be persuaded otherwise.

Elisha's servant, Gehazi, had other ideas. He chased after Naaman — who had gone some distance — ready with a lie. Elisha had sent him — he needed silver and clothing for unexpected guests who had arrived — just a small portion of the captain's treasure. Naaman sent two servants back with Gehazi, each carrying seventy-five pounds of silver and a change of clothes.

Gehazi hid these items in the house. When he appeared before Elisha and Elisha asked where he'd been, he lied again. He said he hadn't gone anywhere. Elisha answered, “Did not my heart go with you, when the man turned from his chariot to meet you?” Because of his greed and lies, Gehazi was afflicted with the leprosy that had “clung to Naaman.” He left Elisha's presence “a leper as white as the snow.”

What do I like in this story? I think that Naaman listened — and was able to give up his anger and pride to at least try the humble thing. What don't I like? The conniving Gehazi. Who do I most identify with? Maybe the captive maid who braved it, and spoke up with a solution for Naaman.

What do I learn about God? That God gives me opportunities to change when I'm on a wrong path — and if I choose not to, the consequences are my own doing. How can I apply this story to my life? I can watch in myself for signs of greed and lies. I can listen to the wisdom of others.

Most importantly, I can know that God is working for good in my life — even in ways that don't make sense to me — and I can follow Him without fear.