Sunday, June 02, 2024

Women Honoring Women announces scholarship winners

| June 2, 2022 1:00 AM

The Women Honoring Women committee has awarded three scholarships to local students.

The committee received many applications both current and continuing students. After review of all the applications the following three students were selected.

"We wish all the students the best in their endeavors to continue their education," WHW members said in a press release.

Kaisa Marks

A senior at Sandpoint High School, Kaisa Marks is graduating in June, 2022. Marks plans to attend the University of Idaho to study botany. Her future goals are to own and operate a plant shop and to do conservation work and research.

While in school, her extracurricular activities were concert band, symphonic band, book club, and church group activities — all while time working two outside jobs to pay for her own vehicle. Her volunteer work included church service projects, summer camp leader and peer modeling for special needs P.E. Kaisa was a great student maintaining a 3.98 GPA.

Megan Parnell

A junior at University of Idaho, Megan Parnell is studying agricultural business with a minor in animal science: production. Megan has been active in the 4-H programs that developed her skills in working with individuals, animals and helping the community. In high school she took advantage of many dual credit classes and AP classes.

By her senior year she had already credit for speech, pre-calculus, trigonometry, U.S. history, English IV, accounting, horticulture and statistics and government. An assistant professor has commented that Megan’s academic performance has been exceptional and reflects her level of interest in all aspects of agriculture.

Gabrielle Hicks

Gabrielle Hicks is the second continuing student to receive a scholarship. She began her first year of college attending Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, where she played collegiate volleyball and achieved a 3.8 GPA the first semester in the Cox Business Program. She decided to transfer to Point Loma Nazarene University to continue her education, majoring in business marketing and public relations and to continue her collegiate volleyball career.

While a student at Sandpoint High School as a junior she was elected as the student body president, the only junior to be elected to the position. From this experience she was able to help the community and school through events and fundraisers. She was also selected to go to Washington D.C. to attend a CADCA conference. Upon college completion Gabrielle hopes to obtain a degree for a future career in marketing and management.