Sunday, June 02, 2024

Democracy is not a spectator sport

| June 9, 2022 1:00 AM

The primaries are over and we move toward the general election. In Bonner County we had a higher than normal turnout. Usually it’s about 35%. This year we had 44%. That’s good. It’s an improvement but it’s still less than half the registered voters showing up. That’s bad.

Registered voters makeup roughly half the number of age-eligible people. That means that only 25% of the age-eligible population chooses our elected officials. Which means less than a quarter of the people are participating in our democracy. That‘s bad.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. If it is going to work as many as possible must participate. Otherwise we have minority rule. That’s bad. I’m disappointed in the 50% that are unregistered. You are not participating in promoting your own self-interests. You don’t have any cause or right to complain.

I’m disgusted with the 25% that enabled a further reduction of our democracy. Those that voted for McGeachin, Giddings, Herndon and their ilk were not thinking of the majority of Bonner County. They were thinking only of their narrow, bigoted views.

Fortunately, most of the rest of Idaho decided to soundly defeat two out of three of these extremists but Herndon prevailed over a good, honest man.

It has been said that all that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. On Tuesday, May 17, ample evidence of that truth was provided. On that date good people simply failed to do enough. We should be ashamed.

