Sunday, June 02, 2024

Kleinkauf wins third league event in a row

Sports Editor | June 25, 2022 1:00 AM

Another Sandpoint disc golf league event and again, Michael Givens and Karl Kleinkauf are battling for the top spot on the leaderboard.

Although Friday was a doubles event, the two and their partners were still represented in the top-two.

Kleinkauf and his partner, Mike Brown, ended up getting the victory with a score of 41 at the Baldfoot Disc Golf Course.

This win for Kleinkauf marks his third straight league victory in a row, two singles, and one doubles.

Givens and his partner LaRue finished in second place with a final score of 42.

Givens and LaRue jumped out to an early lead after hitting back-to-back birdies on holes one and two.

Klienkauf and Brown only managed to par on the opening two holes.

Givens and LaRue would end up hitting two more birdies on holes three and four to put their score at -4.

Kleinkauf and Brown were sitting at a score of -2 throughout the first four holes and then proceeded to become absolutely unglued.

After the first two holes, Kleinkauf and Brown went on a nine hole birdie streak to recapture the lead from Givens and LaRue.

The duo took the lead away from Givens and LaRue officially on hole number nine after Givens and LaRue finished with par.

Givens and LaRue maintained and stayed on the heels of Kleinkauf and Brown throughout the rest of the round until they finally slipped up.

On Hole 13, Kleinkauf and Brown managed a par, whereas Givens and LaRue hit a birdie to tie things back up again.

After matching birdies on holes 14 and 15, the duo reached hole 16.

Kleinkauf and Brown clinched the victory here with a birdie. Givens and LaRue hit a par, and both teams only hit pars the rest of the way.

RJ Dixon and Jorn Reger finished in third place, which was two strokes behind Givens and LaRue.

The duo had two sets of three birdies in a row.

It began on holes seven through 9, and they did it once again on holes 14 and 16.

The Sandpoint disc golf group will be back in action Tuesday for singles.

TEAM SCORES — 1, Karl Kleinkauf/Brown, 41. 2, Givens/LaRue, 42. 3, Dixon/Reger, 44. 4, Pfeifer/Burton, 46. 5, Dixon/Emmer, 48. 6, Dave D/Damien, 49. 7, Jenifer Kleinkauf/Matt, 50. T8, Shaw/Dixon, 51. T8, Hathaway/Flory, 51. T8, Andis-Bruehl/Bill, 51. T8, Ron/Anderson, 51. 12, Peterson/Cami Kleinkauf, 52. 13, Evan/Edwards, 56.