Sunday, June 02, 2024

Our right to vote, our right to choose

| March 3, 2022 1:00 AM

Growth? Wildfire? Our kids’ education? Health Care? Every issue in Bonner County, at its root, is in the hands of elected officials. So I vote in every election I can.

Voting is about making a choice and it is useful to first look at all the options. Unfortunately, in Idaho, there has been a concerted effort to keep voters from knowing their choices in primary elections. It’s a complicated story, please don’t go to sleep yet. It is well worth your time to understand and crucial to preserving our democracy.

In primary elections (which determine the names that will show up in the general election), you vote on ONE ballot from one of the 4 parties (Constitutional, Democrat, Libertarian, Republican) recognized in Idaho, or on an “unaffiliated” ballot which only has nonpartisan offices (judges, etc).

In 2011 the Idaho legislature gave parties the option to “close” their primary, which the Republicans did by requiring voters to be affiliated Republican in order to vote the Republican ballot. Furthermore, the Republicans require anyone affiliated with a different party to CHANGE affiliation about 10 weeks before the primary - this impacts 13% of Bonner County voters. (Currently, law allows someone who in “unaffiliated” to make the change up to and including primary Election Day. More on that below). The Democrats chose to keep their primary open - no affiliation required.

How do the Republican rules restrict our choices? First, know that Republicans dominate Idaho State and Bonner County elections. The last time anybody BUT a Republican held a state office was 2002, in Bonner County it was 2014. For now it appears that whoever wins the Republican primary will win the general election.

Second, the last date to change party coincides with the last day a candidate may file for the primary. Many candidates, and it seems especially the more controversial candidates, wait until the last day to file, making the voter blind to their potential choices.

Third, there is currently a bill in the legislature that limits those unaffiliated voters, by requiring that they too have to affiliate Republican 10 weeks before the primary. This would impact 31% of Bonner County voters. (This bill was supported by both our representatives, Sage Dixon and Heather Scott).

The Republican control of the primary process is legal, but it shouldn’t be. It has led to more and more division as it becomes more difficult to elect anyone other than a Republican. Many independent-minded North Idaho voters initially chose unaffiliated when registering to vote, as I did, assuming that it gives them more choices. In reality, only by affiliating Republican can you have all choices open. And remember - you can vote for candidates from any party in the general election!

To check you voter registration and affiliation, contact the Bonner County election office at 208-255-3631 by March 11.

