Sunday, June 02, 2024

Back positive change, vote for Steve Johnson

| October 20, 2022 1:00 AM

Let’s talk property taxes. Candidates support lower property taxes - the county tax that ensures local services – like roads and sewers. What drives those taxes?

Federal dollars – our federal taxes pay a portion of county services. Idaho ranks 20th in benefit received from IRS payments. ( States receiving less federal money collect more in state and property taxes. Our Bonner County commissioners turned down $11 million in federal infrastructure money. Our federal tax payments didn’t go down, but our property taxes went up.

Development – fast growth forces infrastructure expansion. If our county leaders say yes to growth without establishing policies that price the true cost of development into permits and connections, guess who pays? You and me.

Frivolous lawsuits - Scott Herndon sued the city of Sandpoint on behalf of the county to force a private company to allow open carry at outside concerts. We all paid a share of the $70,000 county settlement. Were Second Amendment rights at stake? Yet we pay.

Shortfalls have to be made up. That’s how it works. Don’t keep empowering thoughtless, self-serving, local leadership reacting to fictitious, federal bogeymen. Local decisions drive your property taxes. We need ethical, thoughtful leaders, willing to listen and learn and address complex issues. Leaders like Steve Johnson.

Let’s change things - locally at the polls. Write in Steve Johnson for state senator.

