Sunday, June 02, 2024

Write in Steve Johnson for Idaho Senate seat

| October 23, 2022 1:00 AM

When I was younger, and ranged far afield, I’d tell people I was from Idaho, then they’d say “Which part? Nazis or potatoes?” At that point, said person would learn more than they were expecting about the importance of hops, hay and sugar beets to Idaho’s agricultural economy, not to mention the wineries and orchards in the southwester corner.

Then it would be on to North Idaho, and how the extremists got a lot of press, but most of us are really cool, and super into the outdoors, and basically rational people. Of course, that was 20 years ago, before Scott Herndon showed up and managed to get on the ballot, spouting statements so alarming National Public Radio picked it up. Stuff like that really weakens my argument about people in my neck of the woods being a welcoming bunch, who support public land access, funding schools and veterans affairs.

Normally in this situation—faced with one untenable option, whose views are inimical to everything I value—I’d be tempted to write “My dog Mister” in as a candidate. Happily, I have another option—I can write in Steve Johnson, and trust that enough rational, like-minded people care about the real rural community and follow suit. He’s a way better bet than the other guy, and has more job skills than my dog.

