Sunday, June 02, 2024

Vote for candidates who support our state, national parks

| October 25, 2022 1:00 AM

Our family recently spent several days camping in Grand Teton National Forest. Each time I visit a state or national park I am struck by the variety of visitors who are there. All ages, sizes, shapes, nationalities, political and religious persuasions, hike, bike or paddle along, oohing and aaahing over the natural wonders.

What a gift to the American people our public lands are. Yet I find myself looking at countless political signs touting more than one local candidate who sees these spaces that belong to all of us as something that can be diced up and used for their own purposes. How short-sighted and selfish.

If you've ever taken your children or grandchildren to visit one of our national treasures, please do what you can to respect and preserve them for others. Vote for candidates who realize their importance and will act to protect them, not destroy them. Our families deserve to have places we can visit and enjoy, unspoiled by McMansions and gates to lock us out.

Thanks for voting on Nov 8.

