Sunday, June 02, 2024

County business, new building regulation process

Staff Writer | October 27, 2022 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Bonner County commissioners had a brief but significant business meeting this week.

In addition to approving a minor land division and several invoices over $5,000, the commissioners also amended the building regulation part of the code.

Jacob Gabell presented an amendment to Title 11 of the Bonner County Revised Code. BCRC 11 addresses building regulations. Gabell said amendment is needed to clarify and refine building regulations.

The change increases the size of a building that does not require a building location permit square feet to 400 square feet. It also removed a requirement for a building location permit for reconstruction projects and requires a site plan instead of a plot plan for building location permits, including appropriate setbacks from all property lines and environmental features.

Another amendment requires that Panhandle Health District comment on a building location permit within 10 business days of the receipt of the completed application.

Gabell said he hopes the amendment provides more synergy between the code, the county, and the health district so they can more efficiently balance development with environmental concerns. Now, PHD must sign off on a project before the county will issue a certification in lieu of occupancy. The amendment passed.

On the consent agenda, Road and Bridge had a $6,500 invoice for maintenance of a dump truck, EMS had a $15,000 invoice for a new station design and a $6,800 invoice for maintenance, and the Bonner County Sheriff's Office had a $10,600 invoice for tasers, cartridges, and a target, $10,500 for bullets, and $27,000 for confidential maintenance.

The above, as well as six liquor licenses, were approved unanimously.

Next, Ron Stultz of Justice Services brought an item regarding a juvenile detention agreement with the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho. The previous contract saw the Kootenai Tribe reimburse Bonner County $110 per minor incarcerated per day. The new contract, which will end Sept. 30, 2024, raises the amount to $125 a day.

Similarly, Sheriff Daryl Wheeler brought an item for reimbursement from the Kootenai Tribe for adults held in the county jail. This price stayed the same as last year, $90 per day. The contract will end Nov. 30, 2023.

Both contracts passed.

After, Pete Hughes of the Recreation Department brought an item regarding a boat launch lease agreement with Outlet Bay. The agreement allows Bonner County to maintain and repair a portion of the boat ramp and pier adjacent to county property. The term is for 10 years and can be renewed. There is no fee associated with the agreement. The motion passed.

Lastly, Cindy Binkerd of Human Resources brought a motion to recruit for two vacated positions: a detention technician for the sheriff’s office Office and a 4-H coordinator.

The next business meeting for the Bonner County Board of Commissioners will be Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 9 a.m. at the Bonner County Administration Building at 1500 U.S. 2 in Sandpoint.