Sunday, June 02, 2024

Gratitude for all life's blessings

by CAROL SHIRK KNAPP Contributing Writer
| September 7, 2022 1:00 AM

We've all probably heard a quote to this effect, “If you were given today only what you were thankful for yesterday, what would that be?”

It's early September — for those with memories of 9-11 in 2001 thoughts gravitate to that clear blue morning in New York City when the sky fell in. I had a newborn grandson I was visiting in Alaska — and had flown from the Twin Cities to Anchorage mere hours before the Twin Towers tragedy.

A tide of gratitude swept across our country even as we lived the monumental losses of so many. An ordinary day now seemed extraordinary. There was a great reaching out to the families of those who died. But also a gathering closer in every community. Because we needed each other and we were thankful.

Thankful to have our husband or wife — brother or sister — parent or child. Thankful to go to work. Thankful for friends over. Thankful for health to live each day.

Simple things acquired meaning. I remember holding that week old baby in my arms and feeling his quick puffs of breath against my cheek. He knew nothing of the evil man could perpetrate. He was just starting out — fresh from the goodness of God.

This grandchild has chosen to carry that goodness around the world — on staff with Teen Missions in Florida. A young man of twenty-one now. He's beating back 9-11.

It's not hard to do. Remembering yesterday. Taking time to find the things that happened right in the day. To feel a thankfulness for those things. To acknowledge God as provider.

The 9-11 people had thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow taken from them. Memories and dreams were blown up. And the rest of us suddenly treasured ours. We stopped to value instead of stopped valuing.

I believe gratitude doesn't happen without intention. Taking count — noticing — all that is good is learned. Gratitude is one of the many things God loves to teach. Because a truly thankful heart doesn't rage...doesn't destroy...doesn't hate.

I don't want a sparse tomorrow. If I could cultivate thankfulness today — so that when today becomes yesterday and I'm living tomorrow, then l've already got a crop growing before I get there. Today's thankfulness seeds tomorrow.

And such is the fruit of intentional gratitude that it becomes possible to give thanks even in the difficult times — even when it seems there is nothing good — because always, always there is God — and always, always He is good.